Monday 28 November 2011

Happy Freakin' Birthday

Well today is my birthday. 23 years old.

This post is going to sound incredibly depressing but I really see no reason to celebrate another year that I'm alive. Frankly I'm disappointed. But the show must go on...

During tough times it would be lovely if time could just stand still. The phrase 'time waits for no one' is all too true! It would be so helpful if time could just wait for me to recover from this trauma and stop propelling me forwards through my life. The gap year from Uni I took due to this trauma ends in March and I'm dreading going back. I'm supposed to be working on my assignments now but how can I in this state?

If I had one wish for my birthday it would be for time to stand still until I have dealt with what's happened to me and much further along the healing process..... now that's wishful thinking!

Monday 21 November 2011

Goodbye November

I'm sorry I haven't posted this month. Things have been difficult following the anniversary and ive gotten a new puppy which is taking up a lot of my time. My mum allowed me to get her during my darkest days to have something to love and look after. Something to aid my healing. But its only recently i found the perfect pooch! Her name is Willow meaning 'freedom' I hope to be free from these chains one day. Therapy is getting so hard, she's really challenging me and pushing me every session. It takes so much out of me I guess I have no energy left to bare my soul on here. On a positive note I do have a website under construction. I have plans to turn TWOR a.k.a 'the war on rape' into a non-profit business raising awareness on sexual violence and providing support to survivors. It's quite exciting!!

Neglecting my blog is not something I take lightly and I know I need to reach out here more. I promise to try harder, it's just hard to open that locked box of secrets and despair.